
QuestionActionAccessibility Guide
How many amusement rides does your park have?NumberA park map is recommended. Where a ride requires a guest to negotiate steps the map should notate the number of steps required
Images required:
Parking and access route to entry
General images of park layout showing access routes
Images of each ride clearly showing entry and boarding
Accessible toilets
Café, dining or picnic areas

Ride Details

For each ride complete the following details

QuestionActionAccessibility Guide
Is there level or ramped access?YES/NOImages of each ride showing the access and ride seating configuration. If access is gained via the exit list that as part of the boarding instructions
Is there a wheelchair position on the ride?YES/NO
Is there a method of wheelchair transfer to the ride?Describe the transfer method and whether the patron must supply their own assistanceDescribe the method of transfer
Please describe the ride restrictions (e.g. the need for upper body strength, hand grip etc.)DescribeDetail all restrictions
Please describe wheelchair size and weight restrictionsList the site and weight restrictions
Do you provide wheelchair storage for the duration of the ride?YES/NO
Is a briefing given to passengers who are blind or who have low vision?YES/NO

Ferris Wheels

If your festival includes a Ferris Wheel complete the following:

QuestionActionAccessibility Guide
Does your wheel include an open or closed gondola?YES/NOAccessibility statement should include all of the measurements listed and the limits on wheelchairs.
Loading procedures should be detailed
Booking requirements should be listed

Photos required
Loading area
Gondola cabin

Will your gondola cabins take a wheelchair?YES/NO
What is the clear opening of the gondola doors?____mm
Does the gondola have level access from the loading platform?YES/NO
Are portable ramps available to load a wheelchair?YES/NO
What are the maximum dimensions of wheelchairs that can be accommodated?
Do you offer loan wheelchairs?YES/NO