Cumberland Castlemaine

Generally a well designed old country pub with plenty of manoeuvring room and gentle slopes to the ramps. The dining area has moveable seating and ramps link all areas of the hotel. A private room is also available for groups with ramped access.

The Cumberland Hotel has a high level of accessibility. Level access entry is via Lyttleton Street, under the awning. 

From the main entrance, there is access to the TAB on the left and the gaming room to the right.

At the end of the bar in the gaming room, there is ramped access to the Bistro and Main Bar.

Accessible toilets are located at the rear of the gaming room.

Outdoor smokers area also accessible from the gaming room.

There is a low countertop in the bistro.

There is wide double door access to the children’s play area

Dietary requirements catered for on request.

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