Point Cook and Cheetham Wetlands

Point Cook Coastal Park features abundant birdlife, an historic bluestone homestead, intertidal sand banks and a Marine Reserve. Located 20 km southwest of Melbourne, it is a popular destination for birdwatchers, nature lovers and family groups.

Over 250 fauna species have been recorded at Point Cook Coastal Park. During the Victorian summer, visiting migratory birds move between the wetlands and saltmarsh at Point Cook, the beach sand flats and Cheetham Wetlands, depending on the tides. The endangered Orange-bellied Parrot is known to feed in the saltmarsh at Point Cooke.

Beach Recreation Area


Parking is available in three main car parks. Between each carpark is a toilet block. An information centre is located between the two toilet blocks. In the corner nearest the toilet block of each car park is a marked disabled parking space. Each space is 4.5 metres wide. The surface is asphalt and it gives direct level access to the path to the toilet block and the central park and playground area. The car parks and path can be subject to a thin layer of wind blown sand from the beach.

Toilet Facilities

The paths to the toilet blocks is a hard packed earth and gravel surface. Both blocks have an identical unisex disabled and baby change room located between the male and female entrances. They have a wide sliding door requiring light effort to open. It is fitted with a vertical handle and the doors can be opened without finger dexterity. The handle is fitted low on the door at approximately 850 millimetres from the floor. There is a rotating lock on the inside with a “wing” type handle can be operated with minimal finger dexterity.

The toilet is 450 millimetres high and is fitted with side and rear grab rails. There are exposed water pipes on the wall but these carry cold water only. It should be noted that the toilet roll holder is beyond reach from a seated position. The flush buttons are flush with the wall and would require some finger dexterity to operate. There is space beside the toilet for a wheelchair.

The hand basin has space underneath it and none of the exposed piping contains hot water. The tap is a push down type and does not require finger dexterity to operate.

There are disposal bins within the cubicle.


The main area is a large open grassed area with a playground in the middle. There is a hard packed fine gravel path from behind the toilet block to the playground. The playground has both a grassed surface and a rubberized surface to it main features. There are several features of the playground that are accessible to children using a wheelchair and wheelchair using parents can get to all parts of the playground to watch their children.

Beach Access

There are four beach access points at this part of the park, one on either side near the respective picnic pavilions and two in the centre of the park. The two middle paths are sandy tracks to the beach. The paths near the picnic pavilions are hard packed gravel right to the beach through the dune area. The paths are flat and wide with a smooth surface. The paths end right at the beach with only a short distance of sand to cross to the waters edge. The total distance from the car park to the waters edge is 200 metres.

Picnic Pavilions.

On either side of the park near the beach are two major picnic pavilions. Both of these areas have a mixture of covered and open picnic areas with free electric BBQ’s. They are fitted with large tables that have a full open side that allows wheelchair users to sit front facing at the table or those requiring back support to bring their own chairs and sit at the table. The electric BBQ’s and tables are all on the one large concrete slab. The working height of the BBQ’s is 900 millimetres.

Bird Hide and Spectacle Lake

There is one marked disabled parking space at the end of the car park next to the path leading to the bird hide. The space is only the standard 2.7 metres wide but it has the clear space of the 1.8 metre access path beside it to serve as a loading zone. There are no raised barriers between the car park and the entrance path. The car park surface is asphalt and the path to the hide, including the section next to the car park, are a fine hard packed gravel.

The gate to the path is over a metre wide and has a chain “farm” type latch. Finger dexterity is required to lift the latch off its post and to feed the chain through the gate to close it.

The path is 1.2 metres wide over its entire length and the edges are marked with raised edging approximately 75 millimetres high allowing way-finding for visitors with low vision. At its half way point the path crosses a curved boardwalk. It is horizontally planked with a maximum gap between the timbers of 13 millimetres. The boardwalk has a 75 millimetre edging on both sides.

The total distance from the car park to the bird hide is 205 metres

The hide is entered off a second boardwalk through a 950 millimetre door. In the centre of the hide is a wheelchair position. It has a roll under section, lower bench for binoculars and cameras and dual height observation viewing slits. The slides are hinged and held in place by a large wooden latch that can be operated without finger dexterity.

Point Cook Homestead


Parking at the Point Cook Homestead is on a gravel area near the cafe and picnic area. There are no marked disabled parking spaces. The surface of the car park is level and is a gravel road base.


To the immediate left of the entry is a set of toilets. They are accessed by a fine hard packed gravel path.The last one in the series is a disabled room. It is accessed by a short 1 in 14 wooden ramp. The room has a large swing door that opens inward with light pressure. It has a light self closer on it and a rotating lock.

The toilet is at the back of the room and has a seat height of 420 millimetres. There is space beside the toilet for a wheelchair and a non slip rubber mat immediately in front of it. There is a side grab and a small vertical grab bar on the back wall beside the cistern. A disposal bin is beside the toilet. The flush buttons are on top of the cistern and are raised so they can be operated with finger dexterity.

There is a small handbasin on the side wall that has both hot and cold water. Both taps are the rotating type with a fluted knob. Finger dexterity is required to operate the taps. The one on the left is hot water and the feed pipe below the basin is exposed. Pump action soap dispensers are supplied and there is a paper towel dispenser next to the basin.


There is a cafe in the grounds. Entry is level and wide. There are both internal and external seating. The internal has movable chairs and the outside are standard fixed side seating benches. Table overhang at each end of the benches is 9 inches. The outside area surface is grass.

The Homestead

The homestead and outbuildings can be reached from the cafe across a flat grassed area, the distance is about 250 metres. Once at the homestead there are a series of concrete paths to explore the outside of the buildings. Entree to the public areas of the homestead is from the bay side of the buildings. Entry is first via the sunroom. There is a step of 2 inches to negotiate. The door is a wide sliding one but considerable force is required to open it. From the sunroom 2 further 150 millimetre steps need to be negotiated. The remainder of the homestead has wide doors and corridors.

Cheetham Wetlands

Just beyond the entrance to the homestead is the car park to the Cheetham Wetlands.

This is a gravel parking area with no designated disabled parking spaces.

The key attraction at the Cheetham Wetlands is the observation tower built as a dedication to “Migration and Aspirations. The track to the tower is 1.5 kilometers each way but is flat throughout.

The track starts at the gate and follows the formed access road. Pedestrian entry is through a 1.2 metre wide gate. It is a “farm” style gate with the chain type closure. The latch has to be lifted over its post which requires it to be turned and aligned. Finger dexterity is required to both open the gate and to feed the chain back through it to close it again.

800 metres down the path there is a junction. The wetlands walk follows the left hand branch through another small “farm” type gate. It is 1.2 metres wide and has the same latching method as the gate at the entrance. This path is narrower at about 1.5 metres wide. It crosses a board walk constructed of horizontal wooden planks. The boardwalk is edged with timber strips 75 millimetres high and the gaps between the timber boards no do exceed 13 millimetres.

The road that continues straight ahead at the junction brings you out at the observation tower without going through the wetlands or across the boardwalk. The road alternative is 200 metres longer.

The tower is situated on the edge of the wetlands and gives a commanding view over the former salt production pans which are now being reclaimed as a natural wetland. The tower is fully ramped to the main observation deck. There is a final section on the top that is accessed by circular staircase only. The ramp’s slope is 1 in 14, is fitted with handrails on both sides and has level rest areas.

Its surface is timber planting with the gaps between the timbers less than 13 millilitres. The final section of the tower is almost level across to the observation deck and is made of an expanded metal deck. The gaps here are 25 millimetres wide and care would need to be taken by wheelchair users with small front casters.

RAAF Point Cook

The Point Cook Airfield is active by both civilian operators and the RAAF. On the main entry road to the park are two car parks that over look RAAF Lake and the airfield. Both of these car parks have designated disabled parking spaces and both give a great view of both runways and airport activity. The aircraft movements can be viewed from your car.

There are no toilet facilities at these car parks, the nearest being at the beach access park.

Ricketts Point Nature Trail

Rickett’s Point Marine sanctuary is located just off Beaumaris, where sloping cliffs of sandstone jut out into Port Phillip Bay. At the water’s edge the rock has been worn down into a series of platforms and rock pools, creating a varied and easily accessible marine environment. The diversity of habitats at Ricketts Point is what makes this Marine Sanctuary so interesting. The sanctuary includes rocky (sandstone) inter tidal and sub tidal habitats, sandy beaches and sub tidal soft substrates, with offshore reefs displaying a high diversity of flora and fauna. Near the shore, the rocks are covered in green and red algae that shelter a myriad of smaller creatures, including tiny brittlestars, bristle worms and crustaceans. The soft sea floor is covered in patches of green sea grass or bunches of seaweed attached to small rocks.


The sanctuary is located at Beaumaris off Beach Rd. Access to the Park and Nature Trail is via the Beaumaris Yacht Club car park.


A new triple ramp leads from the car park down onto the hard sand given access to the beach and rock pools to people in wheelchairs. The ramp is in the form of a cross allowing access to the beach at all tide levels. Viewing is best at low tide when the rock pools are exposed. The longest section of the ramp gives direct access to the hard sand and the rock ledge/pools at low tide without the need to traverse the soft sand of the beach. The shorter sections are equipped with one hand rail. The ramp is rated as being fully accessible

Parking Facilities.

Parking facilities are limited to one only designated space. Whist there is only the one designated disabled parking bay there are two normal bays further down the car park towards the yacht club that share a loading/access way.

Picnic Facilities

Like many Victorian parks the picnic facilities do not really cater for people in wheelchairs. There is no over hang on the tables or the provision to roll under the ends. The concrete hardstand areas are not large enough to cater for a wheelchair to sit around the table and all wheels on the concrete. Access to the picnic area is difficult as it is across soft sand and an uneven grassed area. Most of the tables are a long way away from a hard surfaced path. There are no disabled toilet facilities available at this park other than at the Tea House.

Ricketts Point Teahouse

The Ricketts Point Teahouse has been part of the Beaumaris foreshore Reserve for over 50 years. It has gone from a small home with a kiosk to a stylish cafe seating over 200 people. The teahouse is fully accessible with ramped access, wheelchair access to the decked outdoor area overlooking the bay and has accessible toilet facilities. In addition to the designated car parks there is a drop off point right in front of the building.

Sugarloaf Reservoir Park

Nestled in the Christmas Hills, 35 kilometres north east of Melbourne, Sugarloaf is a tranquil setting for a picnic or a stroll near the reservoir shores, offering wonderful views across the water.

Wet a line in the lake which is stocked with rainbow trout, brown trout, redfin, roach and European carp.

Saddle Dam Picnic Area

The Saddle Dam picnic area is the most accessible within the Sugarloaf Reservoir Park.


Just inside the entrance are two designated disabled parking bays, each is 4.1 metres in width.  The Car park surface is level asphalt and the bays are adjacent to both the toilet facility and the covered picnic area.

Toilet Facilities

The toilet block is accessed via a gently sloping asphalt pathway and contains a unisex accessible cubicle. It is large with ample room beside the toilet which is equipped with side and rear grab rails. The toilet height is 450 millimetres. There is an accessible hand basin with a timed push to operate tap. There is cold water only supplied to the basin. The entry door is a swing type requiring only light pressure to open and the handle is a lever type with a rotating internal lock.

Picnic Facilities

Next to the toilet block is a large covered picnic shelter. Inside the shelter there individual bays with tables. None of those tables have provision for wheelchair users, however on the outside of the main shelter is a number of tables with long overhanging ends.

The walking path around the Saddle has a compacted gravel surface.

Southern lookout

The Southern is located next to the Saddle Dam Picnic Area.

It provides a very similar view to that available at the Saddle Dam Picnic area. There are no designated disabled parking spaces available. The car park is asphalt with a concrete curb. The only curb cut available is at the far end of the car park where there is a gravel road leading to the launching ramp. The road also provides the only paved surface to the viewing area and is a loose course gravel.

There are no facilities at the Southern Lookout.

Western lookout


There are no designated disabledparking spaces available. The car park surface is asphalt and is level. It has a concrete curb 150 millimetres in height but there are no curb cuts.

The western lookout provides good views across Sugarloaf reservoir even from the car and is worth the stop.


At the northern end of the lookout’s grassed picnic area is a gate in the fence leading to the designated fishing area. Access down to the edge of the lake is via a 1/10 gravel path of approximately 50 metres. The lake edge is a sloping rock wall which would make fishing by wheelchair users difficult without a long rod.

Ridge Picnic Area

The Ridge picnic area is spread out around the ridge at the northern edge of the reservoir park.

This picnic area has limited accessible facilities. Wheelchair users and those using mobility aids should chose the Saddle Dam picnic area.

Toilet Facilities

Disabled toilet facilities are provided in the toilet complex. The facilities are contained within the male and female blocks. The cubicle provides a toilet with a 450 millimetre seat height with side and rear grab bars. There is space beside the toilet for a wheelchair and there is turning space within the cubicle. The hand basin is located outside the cubicle. The cubicle door is equipped with a rotating lock.


The best access to the toilet block is via the upper or entry road. Parking is adjacent to the block, however there are no designated disabled bays. The first bay in the park is a wide 4 metre one with an additional triangular vacant area beside it. There is a curb cut in the adjacent bay opposite the path to the northern lookout, but it is subject to being blocked by parked cars. The curb is sloping and is 150 millimetres high.

Picnic Areas

There are several picnic areas and pavilions in this area, however, all of them involve the negotiation of gravel sloping paths. The largest pavilion, directly below the toilet block can be accessed from the lower road. The path is gently sloping and has a compacted gravel surface. Electric BBQ’s with a 900 millimetre working height are provided. The picnic tables do not provide a roll under end.

There are no designated disabled parking bays in the lower car park, however the park next to the access path provides an option for those needing space beside the car for wheelchair access.

The Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden

The Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden is situated on the Georgian Road off the Olinda Monbulk Road. It is a 36 hectare site featuring over 15,000 rhododendrons, 12,000 azaleas, 3,000 camellias, 250,000 daffodils and countless cherries. The garden was formerly known as the National Rhododendron Garden.
There is a main car park before the entrance to the gardens. The side car park contains one designated disabled parking space 3.6 metres wide. The carpark is sealed with direct access to the sealed walkway that leads to the side entry gate.
Directly opposite the main entry and beyond the car park are four more designated disabled parking spaces. These spaces are 3.2 metres in width.

Directly inside the gate is the Visitorís Centre and gift shop.
Accessible toilet facilities and a baby change room are located off the deck at the back of the centre. The facility is large with plenty of maneuvering room, side and rear grab rails for the toilet, a changing table and accessible hand basin. This is a unisex facility.
The main entry into the gardens is via the rear deck and ramp. The ramp is steep and has a moderate cross slope. The staff will open the main road gate for easier access to the garden.

From the visitors centre there are two choices to enter the pathways around the garden. Immediately below the visitors centre is the Main Trail. The first 100 metres of this path is steep with gradients up to approximately 1 in 7. After the initial descent there is a lookout over the Rockery below. The main trail continues through the Magnolia Lawn, the Conifer Lawn, Lyrebird Garden, Cherry Tree Grove, Protea Garden and the Camellia Garden. This section is approximately 1.5 kilometres in length with moderate to easy gradients of less than 1 in 14. In addition to the gardens there are spectacular mountain views. Beyond the Camellia Garden the path drops away around the corner to the Maddenii Lawn, with gradients as steep as 1 in 6. From the Maddenii Lawn the path loops around and heads back towards the entrance and there is a long steep climb below Serenity Point to Cherry Tree Grove. This section can be avoided by taking the link path from the main trail at Lyrebird Garden through Conifer Lawn. This link path is sealed and has a maximum gradient of 1 in 14. The path to the lake has a moderate maximum gradient of 1 in 14.
The lake has a fully accessible viewing Rotunda and a boardwalk along the path.
Beyond the lake the path climbs initially at a gradient approaching 1 in 10 before a steep section through the Rockery. The steepest section through the Rockery approaches a gradient of 1 in 6.
In the Kurume Bowl is a pond with accessible boardwalked viewing areas.
From the pond the path climbs through the Sensory Garden and the Cherry Lawn picnic area. The climb is moderate except for the final section back onto the main road back to the Visitorís Centre. There is a short 10 metre section with a 1 in 5 grade. The sensory garden is an accessible area of the garden.

Toilet facilities are available at the end of the top road past the nursery area. While grab rails are provided the entry is narrow and not suitable for wheelchair users. There are no unisex facilities available here as there is at the Visitorís Centre.

The total length of the path around the garden is 4.5 kilomtres on the sealed paths. Most of the steeper sections can be avoided by following the path through the Cherry Lawn to the pond and rejoining the main trail before the steep section through the Rockery. This gives easier access to the upper main trail.

The Gardens are often used for weddings and other functions. For private functions the Camellia Lawn is the preferred choice with direct access from the Camellia Gate and car park.

Wattle Park

Wattle Park is a good accessible destination for a picnic or BBQ

2 Designated disabled parking spaces are located directly in front of the park information board. Each bay is 4 metres wide and 5 metres in length. Some caution is required for wheelchair users as the cross slope on the car park is 1 in 25.

The path to the picnic ground and playground is directly in front of the two parking bays. The surface is hard packed gravel with stones of approximately 13 mm.

The picnic area has 9 new steel tables with an overhang at both ends suitable for a wheelchair users to roll under the table.

The BBQ is centrally located and has a working height of 900 millimetres.

Adjacent to the BBQ is an accessible drinking fountain.

The playground is partially accessible with a ramp leading into its central core, allowing access to parents or children with a disability.

The toilets are located to the the left of the Chalet at the top of the carpark. There is a unisex accessible cubicle. The cubicle has ample maneuvering room, wheelchair space beside the toilet and a side grab bar. There is no rear grab bar. The hand basin is accessible.

Outside the toilet facility is another accessible drinking fountain.

The historic chalet is now used for functions and receptions. There is a small, 50 millimetre step off the outside entry courtyard. Inside there is a large reception vestibule. On either side of that there is a clockroom/toilet facilities, one male and one female. Each contains an accessible toilet cubicle and accessible hand basins. The main room of the chalet is level floored. There is a mezzanine level which is only accessible via stairs.

The self guided nature trail starts behind the chalet and is asphalt down the hill to the first corner. Initially the gradient is approximately 1 in 20 but increases to 1 in 14 by the bottom of the hill. The asphalt path gives access to the bandstand and other historic buildings on the site. At the bottom of the hill the path turns to gravel. Gradients on the remainder of the nature trail increase to around 1 in 10.

Westerfolds Park

Westerfolds is a metropolitan park in the outer Melbourne suburb of Templestowe nestled into a hilly bend in the Yarra River. It has a network of bitumen and gravel paths, shelters, playgrounds, picnic tables and electric barbecues. It is a popular spot for picnics, and family gatherings.

Canoe Launching Area

The canoe launching area provides access to the Yarra River.

The car park has four designated disabled parking bays, 3 are 5 metres wide and the one closest to the access path to the rowing club is 6 metres wide. The parking area and access path to the rowing club is bitumen. A unisex disabled toilet facility is available outside the rowing club along width an accessible drinking fountain.

Access to the river is via a compacted gravel path 60 metres in length with a maximum gradient of 1 in 10.

Swamp Gum Picnic Area

The Swamp Gum Picnic Area contains BBQs, a picnic shelter with tables and a playground.

The parking area has 4 designated disabled parking bays. Each pair of bays share a common access way. The bays are 3.3 metres wide and the access way 1.2 metres in width.

Under the picnic pavilion there are three wooden tables with extended table tops to enable wheelchair users to roll under the table. Outside there are some modern steel tables. The ends have a 400 millmetre overhang and the concrete pads are large enough to accommodate a wheelchair at the end of the table.

The BBQ’s are located in the pavilion and have an operating height of 900 millimetres.

The playground is partially accessible for children or parents using wheelchairs. It has a central ramp leading to three accessible activities. The playground is accessed via an asphalt path directly from the car park or from the picnic area.

The nearest toilet facilities are located at Melaleuca Parking area. An asphalt pathway leads from the Swamp Gum Picnic Area.

Yellow Box Carpark

The Yellow Box Carpark gives direct access to the River Trail. There are no toilet or picnic facilities.

The carpark has 2 designated disabled parking bays, each 3.3 metres wide and sharing a central loading area. There is an access ramp leading from the loading area directly onto the trail.

There is an accessible drinking fountain provided.

Red Stringybark Car Park.

The Red Stringybark Carpark provides access to another picnic area.

There are two designated disabled parking bays opposite the picnic shelter. They are again 3.3 metres wide and serviced by a central shared loading area and access path. The loading area leads directly to a brick path to the picnic pavilion. This picnic area is serviced by woodfired BBQs. There are two available outside the pavilion on a flat earthen surface. Wood is provided and the wood bins are at an accessible height.

There are no accessible picnic tables.

There are no toilet facilities at this picnic ground, the closest being at Melaleuca.

Melaleuca Car Park

The main toilet block for this end of the park is located at the Melaleuca Car Park. There are two designated disabled parking spaces and again they are 3.3 metres wide with a shared loading access way. The toilet block contains one unisex cubicle and baby change facilities. The cubicle is large with adequate maneuvering room and wheel space beside the toilet. Side and rear grab bars are provided. The entry has a sliding door.

Outside the toilet block is an accessible drinking fountain.

Porter Street

The Porter Street end of the park has too parking areas. The one furthest from the entry has two designated disabled parking bays, 3.3 metres wide. One is located in the middle of the carpark adjacent to a central loading area. The central loading area leads to a set of steps to the picnic pavilion. The second bay is located at the end of the carpark nearest the toilet block. The step free route is via the car park entry road. A short brick path leads to the pavilion. One accessible table is provided. There are electric BBQ’s with a working height of 900 millmetres. A second BBQ is provided on the grassed area towards the entrance.

The second car park provides an addition designated disabled parking space next to the park service road. This is a wide bay with the additional clearway space beside it.

A toilet block is located between the car parks and it contains a unisex accessible toilet and baby change room facility. The room is large with wheelchair space beside the toilet with grab bars provided beside and behind the toilet.

William Ricketts Sanctuary

Located on the Mount Dandenong Tourist Road the peaceful surrounds of the world-renowned William Ricketts Sanctuary offer is a perfect place for reflection. The sanctuary is home to more than 90 evocative sculptures, many of Aboriginal people, which lie half-hidden in the trees, rocks and undergrowth of the native forest.

Indigenous connections

Influenced by his time living in Aboriginal communities in central Australia, William Ricketts believed everyone should respect the inherent spirituality of the natural world. Many of his sculptural works reflect his commitment to this ideal, while others depict his response to the effect the European settlers’ had on the environment.

The foundations of the William Ricketts sanctuary, blending sculptures into the natural environment, create some accessibility challenges as the sanctuary is built on the side of a hill. The sanctuary is not big and can be explored slowly, however, manual wheelchair users are likely to need assistance due to the steepness of some sections of the paths.


There are three designated accessible parking spaces available. One is underneath the visitors centre on the Mount Dandenong Tourist Road. That bay is 3.5 metres wide with additional loading space available in the adjoining bus pull in area. This bay backs onto the Dandenong Tourist Road and is not suitable for rear loading vans.

Two additional designated bays are located at either end of the lower car park on the opposite side of the road. These bays are 6.4 metres wide. The use of these bays is subject to the ability to climb the long ramp from the car park to the road. This ramp has a maximum gradient of 1 in 4.5 over its lower half but the minimum gradient on the ramp is 1 in 8.


The right hand side of the driveway has a gentler gradient but it is still approximately 1 in 7.

The main entrance to the information centre has a standard door width of 750 millimeters.

Information Centre

The information centre contained a disabled toilet and baby change room facility. It is a unisex facility with wide entry door and large room with good maneuvering room. The toilet has a side grab bar and a bar on the back wall next to the cistern. The hand basin is roll-under with a lever type tap and large mirror.

The upper level contains the information counter and the lower level the souvenir items. The levels are linked by an internal ramp.

The main entrance into the Sanctuary is from the lower level which has a wide doorway.

The Sanctuary

From the information centre the path is initially flat with a hard bitumen surface. There is a short, 20 metre section, that is steep with a gradient of approximately gradient of 1 in 7. Once past that section the path remains at less than a 1 in 14 gradient right through to the log cabin visual display building. The entry to this building is wide and the left hand room provides good access. The aisle down beside the seating is wide and there is an area at the front for wheelchair visitors.

The paths immediately around the building are flat hard packed fine gravel.

At this point there is a choice to return back the same way or to take the sealed path to the gallery and upper sculptures. The path leading to the upper road has sections with a gradient of 1 in 4.

Just prior to the main road is a path off to the left accessing the “Brute” and “Long Beard” This path is also sealed and the gradients are less than 1 in 14.

The final section to the main road is steep with an approximate gradient of 1 in 5. The road to the main gallery is steep again with an approximate gradient of 1 in 4.

The road back to the information centre has gradients as steep as 1 in 10 with the final section approximately 1 in 7.

“Earthly Mother” is only accessible via steps but can be seen from the main road.

There is a toilet block above the information centre but it does not contain any accessible facilities.


Located in Armstrong Street is Zambrero, Mexican Restaurant. It is an open plan design with ample space inside for people using mobility devices or wheelchairs. There are large gaps between the tables making it an ideal location for parents with prams.

At the rear of the restaurant is an accessible toilet with side and rear rails and a backrest.

The Provincial Hotel Ballarat – A Luxury Accessible Getaway

The Provincial Hotel sits pretty on Ballarat’s historic Lydiard Street. Built in 1909 the iconic building, recognised by the National Trust, has housed a myriad of publicans and hoteliers, each enriching the hotel with greater grandeur.

Identifying a market for luxury, boutique accommodation, coupled with service guaranteed to exceed expectation, Simon and Gorgi Coghlan found the canvas they had been looking for in the form of The Provincial Hotel. Early in 2018, Simon, a leader of regional Victoria’s hospitality industry, and Gorgi, a media personality with a penchant for design and beautiful styling, partnered with Drew Harry, a dynamite of the regional hospitality industry, to bring their vision to life.

Included in that vision are two, two bedroom luxury accessible apartments

Room overview

Two Bedroom Apartments are individually styled and feature two bedrooms with separate living area with bespoke furnishings, a kitchen and dining area and a generously sized bathroom with luxury amenities. The Master bedroom features a deluxe King size bed with oversized ensuite, and the second bedroom features deluxe twin single beds.

The main bathroom is fully accessible with roll-in shower, generous fold down shower chair, and easy to reach controls. It is has a fully accessible toilet with handrails and backrest. A moveable table on wheels provides convenient storage. A full size spar bath is also in the room.

Room Features

  • King bed with en suite
  • Twin singles
  • Kitchen and dining area
  • Separate living area
  • Mini bar with locally sourced produce
  • Apple TV
  • Unlimited Wifi
  • Complimentary off-street parking
  • Ground floor

Accessibility Features

  • Ground floor adjacent to reception
  • Large bathroom
  • Roll-in shower with fixed shower seat
  • Accessible toilet with handrails and backrest
  • Moveable storage unit
  • Hand basin with lever mixer tap
  • Large bedrooms with clearance around the bed
  • Clearance under the bed for a hoist
  • Large living and dining area
  • Designated accessible secure parking space next to entry with access bay
  • Adjacent to Lola’s restaurant
  • Wide doorways throughout


The Provincial Hotel boasts Lola’s Restaurant which is open daily for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Lola offers stylish, European inspired dining, beautifully shaped each season by our region’s best locally sourced produce.

The 55 seat dining room provides a relaxed and elegant dining experience, beautifully styled in the Provincial’s signature hotel design. The layout is open allowing easy access and a wide choice of seating location.

Ballarat Aquatic and Leisure Centre

The Ballarat Aquatic and Leisure Centre is located in the Price of Wales Recreation Reserve, Lake Gardens. Disabled parking is available at the front and side of the building.

The centre contains a 50 metre, 25 metre, multipurpose and a children’s play pools. All pools have a variety of entry methods for people with a disability. The 25, 50 and multipurpose pools have ramped entry. The children’s play pool zero gradient entry. In addition, the 50 metre pool also has stepped entry next to the ramp. The centre a portable hoist that can be used at any of the pools.

There are three pool wheelchairs available. There are 4 accessible toilet and shower facilities and a full adult changing facility with table and ceiling hoist. The centre also has a cafe with full ramped access.